Speaking Basics
“You’re interested in this Business of Speaking? Great! Congratulations, and welcome to a multi-billion dollar industry!
Whether you want to:
- Financially supplement your current professional income
- Learn strategies to help you sell yourself more effectively
- Speak part time to augment your income
- Speak full time
"Your path to speaking success starts right here! But you have questions. And at this point, you may not even know the right questions to ask!
So, let me help you. I get questions daily about professional speaking and how the industry works. Everything from: “How do I find a group I can speak to?” “How do I make money when I speak for free?” “What kind of marketing plan do I need to use so I can make speaking my full-time career?” “How do I know what to charge a fee?”
Below you’ll find your first list of tasks to get started. They will get you moving in the right direction.
Looking forward to helping you “grow” and “go” to the next level. Get started NOW!"
-Dr. Willie Jolley
Professional Speaking
The professional speaking industry is a collection of professionals, which include experts from a variety of industries and disciplines. They are educators, humorists, authors, administrative personnel, mothers, media personalities, entertainers, sports figures, etc.
The professional speaking business operates on several tracks: the celebrity track - immediately getting huge fees; the regular professional track - those who “build their clientele” by marketing, providing excellent service, outstanding content and delivering WOW presentations; and the hybrid speaker - a celebrity with content! That’s the emerging third track!
But, that second track, the regular professional, is the one most travelled, and can provide a lucrative career if you are willing to work hard.
The professional speaking industry is challenging to learn for speaking is an Art, a Business and a Science! It appears easy for the successful professionals have mastered all three (3) areas. Know that thousands of hours of preparation go into the end result the public sees!
No one strategy works for everyone. And there are many key elements needed to build a profitable speaking business. From…
- Clarifying your core message (what problem you solve)
- Identifying your primary audience (who will benefit from your message)
- Branding yourself (what makes you different)
- Developing your marketing approach
- Funding your operation
Here are a few Speaking Success Tips to get you focused and started:
Join a Toastmasters Club.
It will give you the basics of crafting a speech and presenting in front of friendly audiences, who want you to succeed!
Purchase Dottie Walters’ book, Speak and Grow Rich.
This provides detail on the process of the speaking business.
Attend a Monthly Chapter Meeting of the National Speakers’ Association (NSA).
Toastmasters tells you how to speak. NSA teaches you how to make money at it! Visit www.nsaspeaker.org to find your local chapter.
Speak as often as you can…for free! That’s the only way to build your speaking craft…so that eventually you’ll get paid.Ready for more?
Speaking Basics
The Speaking Basics Digital Program
Once you’ve mastered the list above and still are interested in speaking, I recommend my Speaking Basics Digital Program.
This is the audio of a full day seminar on the fundamentals of speaking - recorded live in Washington, DC. Listen to it over, and over and over again until you capture all the key concepts.
This digital audio is divided into three (3) sections. The program also includes a bonus Back Office Speaker Guide ebook. The ebook focuses on the operations, administration and finances of the speaking business.
With The Speaking Basics Digital Program, you will learn how to:
- Start your speaking business
- Go from free to fee paid speaking
- Set fees and how to gain access to networking circles
- Avoid the common pitfalls of starting in speaking industry
Purchase Now and download almost three hours of valuable content.
For only $197.00 you get to learn the basics of this business and grow at your own pace. Purchase this program on CDs for $229.00.
The information covered in the digital downloads as well the three (3) CDs cover the following:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Rave Reviews
I credit Willie Jolley with much of the mindset I have used that has generated the six-figure success that I am blessed to enjoy in the speaking industry.
-Delatorro McNeal II, CSP, Peak Performance Expert, Bestselling Author, Certified Speaking Professional
Just finished listening to your “How to Speak for Profit with Power Seminar” and I flat out loved it! Your information was 100% on target and business changing. You provided so many tips, tools and techniques to grow my speaking business. Thank you for being so transparent and sharing information most would never give other speakers. Making the decision to download your seminar was one of the best decisions I made. Thank you for making an impact in my life personally and professionally.
-Chris Gloss, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Trainer, Radio & TV Personality
Ready for more advanced, in-depth information?
Ignite Your Speaking
Dr. Willie Jolley's T.I.P.S. for Speaking Success Package
My T.I.P.S. (Tips, Ideas, Principles & Strategies) for Speaking Success Package is for you!
You receive:
- 1 DVD
- 5 CDs
- 1 Back Office Blueprint Guide
When you view the DVD, study the strategies I used to deliver a Memorable, Magical and Motivational keynote. This speech proved to be one of the most popular presentations ever delivered at an International Toastmasters’ Convention!
- Learn marketing practices to propel you into the spotlight.
- Learn why telling stories is crucial to your speaking success.
- Develop your stage presence.
- Manage your business for growth.
- Get Back Office “how to” strategies for long-term success.
Guide - Back Office Blueprint Guide
This guide has operational, administration and finance ideas. It includes checklists, agreement and questionnaire!
Own this powerful, practical and informative training program for only $397. Listen to the materials as often as you want. Use the lists and systems to get organized.
This program will help you become a much more effective presenter, grow your speaking business and get a better organized business!
Get Your T.I.P.S. for Speaking Success Package Right NOW.
Advanced Level Speaking
I RECOMMEND - Professional Speaker Boot Camp
The Rich Success Speaker Symposium
Many people can teach you how to present and how to have success in the short term. But only a few can tell you how to build a brand and a business that has been able to survive and thrive the ups and downs of speaking for over 25 years. I am one of the few!
In addition to the Rich Success Speaker Symposium being an intense 2-day event, it is also an intimate experience. You’ll get to personally ask me questions and get to know me as I get to know you.
I ALSO RECOMMEND - Personalized Coaching
The greatest athletes, performers and leaders have mentors and coaches. Tiger Woods, Michael Phelpsand even Bill Gates have trusted advisors. In fact, you can easily make the argument that the higher the level of success you want to attain, the more you seek wise counsel - for the stakes are higher!
If you’ve followed my work for a while - radio, television, full time professional speaking to corporations, associations and in the religious arenas for over twenty-five years – you know I’ve earned my stripes in this business. There was no overnight success.
Before you can teach you must know. Before you can lead you must go. And I have the battle scars to show for it!
For about two years, I was on the National Get Motivated Tour – speaking in over 40 cities a year. Plus, I still book my corporate dates and host my own ticketed events and JolleyU (University) public seminars.
My success has encouraged countless others to pursue me to ask for time: one-time advice, lunch meetings, mentoring, coaching, etc. Every day someone wants to talk to me about THEM…their future, their dreams, their goals!
And I want to talk to them too! But, due to time constraints, it’s just not possible!
The Solution
So now, there must be a more structured approach to get to me.
This has not always been case. I've worked with recent Million Dollar Roundtable speaker, Delatorro McNeal, II, coach and consultant, Bruce Johnson (a former pastor), Cheryl Wood (Play Time is Over) and so many others.
I must determine whether you are serious, committed and willing to do the work. This is work for you, for me and my team! It requires a substantial investment of money, time and creative energy on both our parts.
My coaching program gives you a chance to get the most help and guidance from me individually.
I am offering you the options.
Think of these as “electronic Hot Seats.” You’ll get my private email address for you to submit materials such as clarifying of your vision, goals and direction; refining your signature story; reviewing sales or brochure copy; or just my critical analysis and feedback on issues important to you.
Just imagine the powerful information and life-changing ideas you can learn from me and my network! If you don’t get at least one idea on every one-hour call that will grow you and push you toward your goals - you’re just not paying attention!
However, I must warn you…
Participation in this Coaching program is severely limited; and it is certainly not for everyone.
I have sole discretion to limit participation. Obviously, I must be quite selective. I have very limited time and must be careful who is associated with my brand. I want focused, hardworking achievers!
You are a great fit if:
- You want to expand your vision, prosperity and consciousness
- You need to hear the truth about your current state and what to do to get moving forward
- You know that iron sharpens iron and believe in investing in yourself; and,
- You want me as your accountability partner, to provoke, challenge and inspire you!
After a review of your application, I’ll schedule a telephone interview with you, if I think we should move forward.
If I believe I can bring value to you and that you’re serious, we will start the relationship - you’re in!
The Investment?
$12,000/yr. OR $1,000/mo. - Save $1,000 when you pay all at once
Identify and agree on the specific goals you want to accomplish with our time together
Provide resources – information, how-to's, forms, as well as individuals – that will be of value in building your business
One (1) Monthly Hourly Session (phone, Zoom, Facetime or Skype)
Unlimited email access for specific questions and review of your promotion material
Evaluation of your speaking demo video with written feedback and checklists
50% discount on any JolleyU professional development seminars, workshops and webinarsduring your 12-month time period
If you’re focused on raising your level of thinking and growing your business exponentially and think you’re the right fit, this is where you need to be.
The Guarantee…
There is none. What you get out of this program is entirely up to you. You are 100% responsible for your own success. I will advise you, inspire you, connect you — but you have to do the work!
Want to get started?